Thursday, August 23, 2012

Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier will know more dished head with erect ears. Although this dog is not large, has all the advantages of larger breeds, the breed was formed in America for over 100 years.The history of the breed dates back to 1860, when they start to cross the English terriers with English bulldogs. The goal was to get a dog that combines characteristics of both breeds - Bulldog head and body of a terrier. Then bulldogs strongly differing from modern. They were not so short-legged and massive, but they were more mobile and more like small bulmastifi or modern American Bulldog. Today extinct English terrier had a strong neck, bulky and muscular chest, which fully correspond to its purpose - to combat rodents and ground animals.The modern Boston Terrier owes much to Hooper's Judge, resulting from the crossing of the English white terrier male with female English bulldog. Hooper's Judge was quite impressive - he weighed about 15 kg. Cross it with a white female, weighing 9 kg. Thus was obtained Well's Eph, which occurs in the pedigrees of many modern Boston Terriers. Well's Eph weighed about 13 kg and its coloration was dark brindle with white markings.In 1878 in Boston was held the first dog show. The name "Boston Terrier" then not yet been recognized and these dogs participated under the name bulterier. In 1888 was formed a special category "bulterieri with rounded head and all colors." Lovers of these dogs from Boston and its environs had to overcome powerful resistance to breeders and bulldogs bulterierite who fought with all means "round heads".In 1889, rebellious enthusiasts from Boston created bulterier American Club, which was the first step towards formal recognition of the breed, which at first was called by different names: zaoblenoglav n Bull Terrier Head bullet, American bulterier. In March 1891 Charles Liland 40 fans gathered 'round their heads "to develop the breed standard, which initially called American bulterier. Later he renamed the Boston Terrier, not to be confused with the white English bulterier. Thus emerged the modern name of the breed was created and the American Club of Boston terriers.That same year the club gave a request for official recognition of the breed by the American kene club. The request was rejected because of the breed pig was various types. Started a separate Boston terrier whose pedigree contains at least three generations. Thus, the first dog recorded in the studbook was Hector, born on 07/19/1891After two years of discussions in May 1893 Boston Terrier was finally recognized by the American kene Club as a separate breed. That same year the Boston terrier was shown a dog show in Boston with his new name. In 1896 an exhibition in Philadelphia was aired first champion of the breed - Topsy, whose grandfather was an English bulldog.Boston Terrier's popularity quickly grew and President Wilson had a dog in the White House. In the 30s of the 20th century dog ​​shows 20-30% of participants were bosdtan Terriers. The most titled representative was declared 18 times for the best dog shows and won over 50 000 and 50 times the opponent was awarded the championship title before retiring in 1984Americans are very proud Boston Terrier, as this was the first officially recognized breed in the New World. Today these dogs come into the number 25 most popular breeds, as every year thousands of puppies born 12-13, and the number of population is about 120,000. In Britain, the first Boston Terrier fell in 1901, but fans of his club was created only in 1935 in Boston Terrier continental Europe is not so famous. Perhaps this explains the differences between French Bulldog and Boston Terriers are less noticeable. Experts know, however, unless the external differences these two breeds and have very different personalities.
The full standard of the breed --- HERE

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