Thursday, August 23, 2012

Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier will know more dished head with erect ears. Although this dog is not large, has all the advantages of larger breeds, the breed was formed in America for over 100 years.The history of the breed dates back to 1860, when they start to cross the English terriers with English bulldogs. The goal was to get a dog that combines characteristics of both breeds - Bulldog head and body of a terrier. Then bulldogs strongly differing from modern. They were not so short-legged and massive, but they were more mobile and more like small bulmastifi or modern American Bulldog. Today extinct English terrier had a strong neck, bulky and muscular chest, which fully correspond to its purpose - to combat rodents and ground animals.The modern Boston Terrier owes much to Hooper's Judge, resulting from the crossing of the English white terrier male with female English bulldog. Hooper's Judge was quite impressive - he weighed about 15 kg. Cross it with a white female, weighing 9 kg. Thus was obtained Well's Eph, which occurs in the pedigrees of many modern Boston Terriers. Well's Eph weighed about 13 kg and its coloration was dark brindle with white markings.In 1878 in Boston was held the first dog show. The name "Boston Terrier" then not yet been recognized and these dogs participated under the name bulterier. In 1888 was formed a special category "bulterieri with rounded head and all colors." Lovers of these dogs from Boston and its environs had to overcome powerful resistance to breeders and bulldogs bulterierite who fought with all means "round heads".In 1889, rebellious enthusiasts from Boston created bulterier American Club, which was the first step towards formal recognition of the breed, which at first was called by different names: zaoblenoglav n Bull Terrier Head bullet, American bulterier. In March 1891 Charles Liland 40 fans gathered 'round their heads "to develop the breed standard, which initially called American bulterier. Later he renamed the Boston Terrier, not to be confused with the white English bulterier. Thus emerged the modern name of the breed was created and the American Club of Boston terriers.That same year the club gave a request for official recognition of the breed by the American kene club. The request was rejected because of the breed pig was various types. Started a separate Boston terrier whose pedigree contains at least three generations. Thus, the first dog recorded in the studbook was Hector, born on 07/19/1891After two years of discussions in May 1893 Boston Terrier was finally recognized by the American kene Club as a separate breed. That same year the Boston terrier was shown a dog show in Boston with his new name. In 1896 an exhibition in Philadelphia was aired first champion of the breed - Topsy, whose grandfather was an English bulldog.Boston Terrier's popularity quickly grew and President Wilson had a dog in the White House. In the 30s of the 20th century dog ​​shows 20-30% of participants were bosdtan Terriers. The most titled representative was declared 18 times for the best dog shows and won over 50 000 and 50 times the opponent was awarded the championship title before retiring in 1984Americans are very proud Boston Terrier, as this was the first officially recognized breed in the New World. Today these dogs come into the number 25 most popular breeds, as every year thousands of puppies born 12-13, and the number of population is about 120,000. In Britain, the first Boston Terrier fell in 1901, but fans of his club was created only in 1935 in Boston Terrier continental Europe is not so famous. Perhaps this explains the differences between French Bulldog and Boston Terriers are less noticeable. Experts know, however, unless the external differences these two breeds and have very different personalities.
The full standard of the breed --- HERE

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Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire Terrier is a breed of small, decorative dog named after the county Yorkshire in England, where he was introduced for the first time in the late 19th century

The coat body is moderately long, straight, shiny, looking like fine silk. The color is steely in the back and head with a rich golden color. Hair on the chest is heavy, light yellow-brown, darker at the roots, lighter in the middle and lighter at the edges. Yorkshire Terrier undercoat and will not change his coat, as other longhaired breeds. The coat grows throughout his life.

The ears are straight, V shaped, bare tip of the long hair and the side door to fall freely.

Yorkshire Terrier in nature is cheerful, loving, yet balanced and with a sense of self dostoynstvo.Toy very affectionate with their owners.

Incredibly intelligent, absorbing new commands quickly and will do anything for his master.

Standard and mini yorkies
According to the breed standard, yorkies reaches adult weight of 3 kg. and height about 30 cm There are also quite small representatives of the breed weighing about 2 kg. and height about 20 cm These puppies are described as "mini Yorkshire."

York like puppies
There are several breeds that are very similar, but not Yorkies. These are Australian Terrier, Silky Terrier and more. The main differences between these breeds and Yorkshire Terrier are real short hair, lack the characteristic "beard" and "mustache", the lack of long hair around the ears, shortest tail and more.

In fact 90% of puppies bought from zooborsi, shops, and farms are just for dogs of these breeds or crosses between them and Yorkies. Moreover, infants up to 3 -4 months many of these breeds may be difficult to distinguish from babies yorkies. Only registered puppy taken from the kennel can have 100% guarantee of pedigree. This applies not only to Yorkshire Terriers, but for all breeds of dogs.

Due to their minute size, Yorkies is extremely difficult to breed, breeding, especially in size "mini" and "TEA CUP". To prevent breeding males and females aged at least 18 months of age, in absolute health, without any defects, even disposition and excellent appearance. The weight of the female should not be less than 2.2 kg unless it is looking purposeful selection of "mini" and "TEA CUP" Yorkshire. In this case, the weight of the male must be at least 30% less than the weight of the female.

Mating the female goes almost unnoticed, without harkaternoto bleeding heavily and flounder, typical for large breed dogs. Successful breeding can only take place within two days - between 11 and 13 days of mating.

Gestation lasts between 57 and 62 days, a sharp gain in maternal weight and bulging belly can be seen only in the last 2 weeks. The final phase of pregnancy occurs extremely severe, especially for miniature mothers. If you are not given special supplements and vitamins often leads to premature birth and irreversible damage to the genitals.
Birth is also difficult and absolutely necessary assistance from a specialist, and in 90% of the deterioration of the puppies was a cesarean.

Usually puppies are born 2-3, 1-2 but very often happens, though rarely to be born and 3-4. Weight babies is 30-40 g of TEA CUP, 80-100 g and the standard Yorkshire.

Critical period for babies from birth to 14 days old when see. In this period of development in these deaths is more often killed the whole litter. Since then, many babies gain weight faster and virtually have no health problems.

Although Yorkies no odor "dog", no undercoat and do not change their coats, it is desirable to bathe at least once every 10 days during the summer and at least once a month during the winter period. Clean hair grows faster and is more vibrant. When bathing use special shampoos and conditioners for this breed.

Once a week the ears should be cleaned with sticks and ear cleaning solution for ears.

Nails should be cut regularly and kept so long that the dog stepped on the foot, not nails. This procedure requires specialized nail pliers and a little skill. If you can not handle, best nail cutting to be performed by a veterinarian.

Health care
Yorkie is an extremely long-lived, lived between 12 and 18 years. No illnesses typical of the breed. All you need to do for him is to have obezparazityava regularly and puts his annual vaccination against infectious diseases like canine distemper, leptospirosis, rabies, etc., and during the summer period to be treated regularly with preparations against ticks.

Little yorkshirche must be protected from falls from heights, which can lead to injury or even broken leg. "High" means any place where the puppy can not climb alone.

Big problem may occur and ingestion of foreign object - buttons, clip, puzzle pieces, fringes of carpet, a piece of cord, stuffed plush toys and other small and seemingly harmless objects, which can lead to intestinal obstruction tract.

Baby toys have to be specifically for puppies - these toys are a hard rubber or plastic and is less likely when the puppy to play off and swallow pieces of them.

Another major problem could be indoor plants - some of them are poisonous if swallowed and soil in pots usually contain fertilizers and pesticides, many of them highly toxic.

Influence of the dog on people
Yorkie has unique qualities to humans. Clinically proven, that cohabiting men with a puppy of this breed is not depressed, more easily overcome stress, recover more quickly after surgery, get better resistance against infections and viral diseases. For this reason, the U.S. and Russia Yorkie used for so-called "dog therapy"

Yorkie has the ability to "treat" acute and chronic forms of respiratory allergies in children and adults due to the specific structure of the coat, very similar to that of human hair. He does not shed.

Pet stars
Unique qualities, the tiny size and incredible appeal of the Yorkshire Terrier makes it the preferred breed of the rich and famous. Dogs of this breed are: Michael Schumacher, Paris Hilton, Belmondo, Anna Kournikova, the King of Spain Juan Carlos, Alla Pugachev, Nancy Reagan, Bruce Willis, Miley Cyrus and others.

The full standard of the breed --- HERE

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Akita inu a Japanese hunting dog. Received its name from the province of Akita, located in the northern part of the island Honsyu. Most likely these dogs are imported from the Asian continent.

Akita inu is a very ancient breed. In Japan, found skeletal remains of primitive shpitseobrazni dogs, dating back to 2000 BC Some cynologists suggest that Akitas are descendants of northern chamomile, which is transfused blood and the dog. Undoubtedly it is not about modern dogs, mastiffs and dogs of the ancient type of dog Tibet (Tibetan Mastiff).
In Japan, Akita inu dog is very valuable when hunting large animals, mostly deer and bears. Therefore, attention is turned to the working qualities and prices are very high stature, strength and agility. To maintain and develop the hunting breeds and qualities of the Akita as early as the 6th century in Japan were based clubs for lovers of these dogs are up instructions, which is written how it should be kept, bred, trained and used. In the 15th century established herd books, which record the name, origin, color and other information about the dog.

Akita inu is the most ancient lineage. With the penetration of European civilization in Japan, however, ceased to keep those books and tribal resume them until 1928, when he was based society of the tribal leadership working with Akitas.
Akita inu become known to kuchevadite from America and Europe in recent times. The U.S. imported after World War II and come from America and other countries. In Europe napremer appeared only in 1963 the international exhibition in Hanover, Germany. In 1964, FCI Akita inu officially recognize and promote the breed standard. In recent years, these dogs began to appear on major exhibitions in Russia.

Akita inu dog is great. The height at the withers for males is 64-70 cm and females is 58-64 cm weight is 38-50 kg. The dog is keen to build, slightly elongated body with a balanced behavior and easily lends itself to dressage. It is restrained by an independent nature and likes to run alone.
The coat of the Akita nedalaga consists of upper and a hard layer and thick and dense undercoat. Patterns can be anything, including the tiger, but mainly occurs gray Rusty passing to black or pale yellow with a black mask. You have white spots on legs, chest, abdomen and tail, but not the head.
The head of the Akita is a serious skull volume is a broad forehead, whose protection goes well marked groove. The transition from forehead to muzzle, stop, is expressed, the cheeks are muscular, straight nose, not long, slightly tapering. Lips slightly wet, but tight fitting. Ears are small, triangular face, broad at the base. The eyes are dark. Tail tucked the ring, sometimes spiral touching the back or thigh.

Earlier, due to his courage and fearlessness, Akita inu used them for hunting large animals. Today, except for hunting their application is extended to these dogs as guards and companions on walks. It is best to be kept outdoors rather than in an apartment, unless they provided a lot of walking.

The full standard of the breed --- HERE
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Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamute is a very friendly dog ​​with a "plush" look who loves to be in the spotlight. These good "wolves" are always ready to respond to the invitation to play and fun are free to the owner with his hilarious antics. Dogs of this breed are oriented to life in "herd", so best of all feel family environment, rather than being left to themselves somewhere in the yard. Alaskan Malamute is not a "dog man". These are very smart dogs, but can be very stubborn and if you get tired of their classes. Your pet may be occasions when zainati repeat the same command. Malamutes easily learn new habits and gladly perform komandatana his master once or twice, but rather the process of training them boring. This feature of their character is svoastvena many northern breeds. Alaskan Malamutes should not be recommended as the first novice dog lover of dogs, because bringing the dogs of this breed is easy to make mistakes, then that is very difficult to be corrected. Unfortunately, people often give up their podopechniya Malamute - they fall in love with cute little puppy, and then can not cope with big hard dog.
The strong character of Alaskan Malamutes them "obliged" to dominate other dogs and therefore can be aggressive towards their kin. The owner should as early as possible to introduce a puppy to "dog community" and thus any attempt to cross the pet to "bring order".

Alaskan Malamutes to people is not aggressive and therefore not recommended that dogs be trained to guard - why break the character of this good-natured dog. Friendliness makes them poor guard, but with his impressive form they can frighten the unenlightened villain. But it may happen that this thief had crept home to be licked by a dog this good-natured as a close family friend and not just what to do - has Malamutes Malamute.
Particular attention is a feature of the representatives of this breed - the ability of the Malamute to "talk". They bark very little, but at the expense of lead "conversation" with his master, as issued deaf sounds. Owners confirmed that it is enough to ask your pet and terminate their chatter.
Alaskan Malamute is a large and powerful sled dog that can weigh about 50 kg, height at withers of dogs reaches some 76 centimeters, although the preferred height is less than 60 cm majestic appearance of this stately, like a wolf, and many beautiful dog will not leave anyone indifferent.

Alaskan Malamute has received its name from an Eskimo tribe malmyuti to which he belonged. Malmyutite inhabited upper Anuik River in Alaska. At that time, these large dogs were used for freight in harsh Arctic conditions. Their stamina allowed them to move freight over long distances, a "gold rush" of 1896 caused a large demand for these dogs.
Today there are two different types of Alaskan Malamutes. One line is called `M Lut and the other - Kotsebu. Between them there is one difference - the amount of dogs. M `Lut Malamutes are larger than Kotsebu. Moreover, the actual real Malamute wolf Kotsebu only color, but the line `M Lut there are various colors - wolf, black and white, sable and white, dove (gray-blue) and white. Kotsebu dogs are less aggressive than `M Lut and more mobile. After breeders still a dispute Malamute who is "true, correct," but fortunately the representatives of both lines have not yet lost its working qualities.
Alaskan Malamute dog has developed a fine undercoat. He shed twice a year. However frequently vchesvat. If grown in many warm climates can pull a little throughout the year. These dogs and cats as chistoplatni almost smell and can be bathed frequently - 1-2 times a year. Alaska Malamute does not need trimming, you only have to vchesvate regularly and trim his nails.


Impressive size of the Alaskan Malamutes can deceive you, it is quite difficult to feed a dog, but not Tac. They eat much less than the representatives of other breeds with the same size and weight. Malamutes have a strong motivation and food that can be used during training, but should not be allowed to eat as they want because the dog does not stop until you eat everything and can get misdirected stomach. Their passion for food is so strong that the dog would not be stopped even before the theft - not to leave items on the table.


The greatest happiness of Alaskan Malamutes to take an active part in everything that is done in the "flock" (family). Best dog feels when you have the opportunity to independently leave the house in a special "dog door". It's nice when there is a large yard where the dog can walk, but surely there must be a high fence, because like all northern breeds and Malamutes love to walk alone. It is desirable in a corner of the yard to have a box of sand and learn to dig your dog right there, but it is impossible to unlearn to dig anywhere. Their efforts digging is an ancient instinct in the past, when digging the frozen ground and fished for rodents - their livelihood.

Besides digging in the genes of the Malamute is set and a strong hunting instinct. Forget about everything in this world, he can pursue all things that move, scream and shout. Difficult Malamute will deduct from the race with his cat or a bird, and therefore should not leave your pet unattended alone with small pets.


Alaskan Malamute is prone to domination. It is important that as soon as possible to his show that the driver of the pack is already taken and is useless to domogva to it. Then the dog will respect the owner and his obedience training will be much easier. Dressage at the Malamute owner must be approached creatively - these smart dogs perfectly fit the situation - they can execute any command on the training ground and did not listen at home. The main thing is to continue classes and constantly proving hard to pet, the driver of the pack is the owner and not Malamute.

Alaskan Malamute is a working breed. Surely it needs work, even if it is sport cart. Racing long distances, he gave a Siberian Husky, but strong and durable Malamutes are faithful servants of human research expeditions in the Arctic or Antarctic, are also frequent participants in competitions ueytpuling - pulling weights. Originally these dogs were used as draft animals - Malamute can move loads weighing about 400 kg. Due to its exuberant character and its charming appearance Alaskan Malamutes has participated in programs animaloterapiya - visiting patients in hospitals.

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